Stephen M. Green IN THE NIGHT

Stephen M. Green

Hello everyone! I haven't been asleep for hours now. Why? Well, I thought it was a good idea to ride my skateboard, IN THE NIGHT, at around 2:00 AM in the morning. 

Stephen M. Green

I couldn't sleep at all. 

Stephen M. Green

Skateboarding is a lot of fun. I like to ride down long, steep hills at sometimes. However, this can be dangerous. 

Stephen M. Green

I always watch out for cars and other objects, but this hasn't stopped me from getting hurt badly in the past. One time, I was riding down this super steep hill and couldn't see a bump ahead of me. BAM! I tumbled onto the ground.

Stephen M. Green

Fortunately, I survived the accident.

Stephen M. Green

IN THE NIGHT, you'll find the moon, countless stars, raccoons, little cars, packed bars, lit cigars, etc.

Stephen M. Green
Stephen M. Green
Stephen M. Green

You might even find me.

Stephen M. Green

Well, I'm going to log off. Thank you for your time. Stay safe. *Stephen M. Green*


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